  • Are you depressed? Anxious? Having trouble at college or work? Stressed? Having trouble sleeping? Have you been affected by a traumatic event? Life-changing events? Are your grades dropping this year? Are you having difficulty "fitting in"? Are you having trouble with adjusting to a sudden change in your life? You can use the outpatient services at Jeremy Sanders Psychiatry, LLC. Trust our health care professionals to provide the treatment you need to enhance your well-being, physically and mentally. Reach out to us today. Find the help you need at Jeremy Sanders Psychiatry, LLC. Receive services from a board certified psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner offering treatment ranging from anxiety, depression, school problems, behavior problems, trouble falling asleep, or stress over a life-changing event to management of complex long-acting injection medications with. Find the help you need by calling Jeremy Sanders Psychiatry, LLC with office in Broussard, Louisiana. We will take the time to get to know you and hear your goals so we can develop a treatment plan to suit your individual health care needs.
Practice Details
  • Address
    805 Albertson Parkway, Suite A Broussard, Louisiana 70518
  • State of Practice
  • Describe Your Practice
    In-Office Only
  • Accepting New Clients
  • Virtual Therapy